The random ramblings of a French programmer living in Norway...
  The Oric Tape Nightmare
Sat 23rd November 2019   
Let's talk about tapes, more specifically "Oric Computer Programs Stored on Tapes".

If you follow my Youtube channel, you know that I do have a significant amount of original Oric software on tapes, and that I've been buying tape players.

  How to not upgrade an Ubuntu server
Mon 22nd March 2010   
In February last year I decided to extend by having a secondary server in my home. That's the reason why I originally bought the VIA Artigo A2000, I wanted something small and silent I could put in a corner and forget. After a bit more than one year of usage I can say I'm globally satisfy with the choice.

Ok, the machine is not that silent, as a desktop is quite slow, but as a file/multimedia box/SVN server it's doing its job.