High Quality Resources
Sun 8th August 2021
Time to get our sleeves up and dig into the nitty gritty dirty details about how all that worked together.
My software history (part 4)
Wed 29th April 2015
Welcome to the fourth (and last) part of this series of articles.
The previous part was about Eden Games, this new one covers the period from when I moved from France to Norway in 2005 to join Funcom.
This article is a bit different from the others, because I am still working at Funcom. All the content of course represents my personal views, other people may disagree :)
Blogging about the blog
Sun 27th April 2014
The new blog engine is alive!
It took quite some time, and probably has some bugs, but I guess it has reached a good enough maturity level.
Hopefully I will now be able to finish the last part of My Software History without feeling like punching through my monitor!
My software history (part 3)
Sun 16th March 2014
Welcome to the third part of this series of articles.
The second part was about my time at Adeline Software and Héliovisions Productions, now this entire article will cover the 1998-2005 period at Eden Studios (aka Eden Games).
Help wanted
I joined Eden Studios in October 1998 and immediately started to play with the Dreamcast development kit.Soon I had my old ZBuffer house moving smoothly on the screen.
My software history (part 2)
Sun 9th March 2014
Welcome to the second part of this series of articles.
The first part was basically about what I did before working in videogames for a living.
This one was supposed to cover my first 10 years working in video games, , but I realized that already covering both Adeline and Héliovision was more than enough for one article.
That's a shame because I love round numbers and symbolic dates!
My software history (part 1)
Sun 2nd March 2014
Sometimes on IRC you find people you've not met in many, many years.
Inevitably at some point the discussion have to go round what you've been doing all these years, if you are still a programmer, where you are working, etc.. etc... and then of course younger participants start asking questions about our older stuff, probably because they are not used to interact with dinosaurs who actually programmed in COBOL, used black and white terminals, and even touched punch cards.
ClickSafe is dead
Sat 28th March 2009
Yesterday, an ex-colleague contacted me, he had sad news for me:
"ClickSafe is dying, we are going to replace it by Perforce."
"ClickSafe is dying, we are going to replace it by Perforce."