My software history (part 2)
Sun 9th March 2014
Welcome to the second part of this series of articles.
The first part was basically about what I did before working in videogames for a living.
This one was supposed to cover my first 10 years working in video games, , but I realized that already covering both Adeline and Héliovision was more than enough for one article.
That's a shame because I love round numbers and symbolic dates!
My software history (part 1)
Sun 2nd March 2014
Sometimes on IRC you find people you've not met in many, many years.
Inevitably at some point the discussion have to go round what you've been doing all these years, if you are still a programmer, where you are working, etc.. etc... and then of course younger participants start asking questions about our older stuff, probably because they are not used to interact with dinosaurs who actually programmed in COBOL, used black and white terminals, and even touched punch cards.
Minitel memories
Sat 3rd November 2012
What's this Minitel thing anyway
Outside of France most people never heard of the Minitel.Released in 1981, first as a small scale test in Bretagne and then extended to the rest of the country, the Minitel business plan was a stroke of genius from France Telecom: Give the choice between the regular printed White Pages and a small dumb black and white terminal allowing you to find the same thing faster; then use the large number of available terminals to allow the creation of commercial offers to make a profit of it.
Five years in Norway
Sat 1st May 2010
Celebration time!
Yes! I arrived in Norway the 2nd of May 2005, so this Sunday marks my five years anniversary in Norway. I think it's about time to do a quick look back, and possibly discuss what I can see coming next.Some people asked me why I moved to Norway in first place: was I unhappy in France, why not moving to USA or UK, if I was planning to come back to France one day - and when -, etc, etc...