The random ramblings of a French programmer living in Norway...
  Flood Fill
Sat 4th November 2023   
Today we will see how to convert a complicated algorithm from BASIC to C, then to 6502 assembler, and the optimization process involved.

It all started when Goyo asked in September 2021 if anyone had a fast floodfill routine to share.

  Efficient rasterization
Wed 2nd February 2022   
I was writing an article about how to create an efficient Flood Fill routine on the Oric, but then I realized that many of the optimizations were generic and could be part of a dedicated article about how to write efficient rasterization code.

  The hidden cost of making videos
Tue 4th September 2018   
Earlier this year, I was told that it would be "kind of cool" if I did some videos to show how I developed my Oric and Atari projects, instead of just writing blog posts and forum updates.

The first real test was in February when I did a few hours of live streaming during the Global Game Jam 2018.