Ultimately all this work became "Kya: Dark Lineage" for the PlayStation 2, but before reaching this point there was both "B-Witch"1 and "Riders".
I keep seeing people on the internet saying they found this or that "Unreleased" game, and they are quick to put this label on anything they see that did not get sold.What these people are missing, is the fact that games are the result of an iterative process, very often with back and forth and feedback between the team and an eventual publisher, etc...
In this particular case, Riders is not an unreleased game, and if you look at it closely, you will realize it's basically about "flying in canyons between floating islands", and "B-Witch" was all a take on the Little Red Riding Hood2... and when you smack these two together, you get Kya, a game where a girl with a red top fights intelligent wolves around a world made of floating islands.
The Pitch document
All this work culminated in a colorful 6 pages pitch document, and a relatively thick design document with the list of characters and levels, control mapping scheme, etc...Here are some decent resolution scans of the pitch document.
Ideally, finding the original digital version of the design document would be cool, because I don't feel like spending hours scanning the design document at the moment, sorry!