The random ramblings of a French programmer living in Norway...
  20 years of Defence Force
Sat 15th April 2017   
I discovered Internet in 1995 when I joined Adeline Software.

We did not have internet at the university so it was with great interest I started poking at the Windows 3.1 machine running NCSA Mozaic in the company meeting room.

We only had one email address for the entire company, one of these long numerical

Fri 27th February 2015

While doing some maintenance on the Defence Force infrastructure, I realized that the domain name was now available.

Few minutes later it was registered, and a couple of hours later there was working DNS and redirect information.

  New site
Sat 22nd February 2014   

Web 2.0?

For now about 13 years the OSDK has been a version 0 point something despite having been used to create quite a significant amount of software.