If during your childhood you dreamt of having a car that could talk like in Knight Rider, you may soon be satisfied.
Considering how fast the technology improves, fully autonomous cars are not far ahead, but that's not going to magically transform a 50 years old car into a talkative friend!
Online persistancy
Tue 10th March 2009
The World Wide Web is not that old.
At least not in the way you, me, and our parents uses it.
Sure, there was all the original military and university networks derived from Arpanet, but what I'm talking about is when the random person could get a modem, a (insanely expensive) subscription to some ISP (which will be gone in less than two years), and a large (100 kilobytes) storage for their personal homepage (accessed from an impossible to remember link using some tildes or complicated city based domain structure).